Our Academy attendance target is to exceed 95% attendance each week.
Being on time and coming to school everyday on time is vital so that learning is not missed. The Academy day starts at 8.45am for all Primary School pupils.
If your child is absent, please contact our Attendance Officer, Mrs Hayes, through any of the below methods:
- School Number: 0115 7453385 Option 1 (please leave a voice message if no answer)
- Mobile Number: 07736194791 (you can call, text or whatsapp this number)
High attendance is vital if children are to make good progress and do their best at school. At Nottingham Academy Primary, as soon as attendance drops below 95% this raises concerns with us, and we will monitor the situation. If the figure falls closer to 90%, we will contact you to discuss reasons for low attendance and seek ways to improve this. This is likely to be initiated by Mrs Rosie Hayes, our Attendance officer as it is part of her role to monitor pupil attendance.
If children's attendance drops to 90% or below, they are deemed by the Government to be 'persistent absentees' and clear actions need to be identified to avoid a continuation of such regular absence. Where there are persistent issues, we may have to refer the matter to School Health or Education Welfare for further action, which may include the issue of a Penalty Notice.
At Nottingham Academy we believe family holidays should not be taken during term time. We will not authorise requests for holidays during term time and will consider issuing parents Penalty Notices if holidays or other unauthorised leave of absence is taken. Leave of absence requests will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
Parents have a responsibility for ensuring their child attends the Academy regularly and punctually. The Academy expects that all parents communicate with them, either in writing or by telephone, giving a reason:
- In advance of any planned absence.
- Immediately following any unplanned absence.
- During any absence expected to last more than three days.
Failure to comply with this requirement will mean that your child will have unauthorised absences on their attendance record and this could lead to a referral to the Education Entitlement Team.
If your leave of absence request has not been authorised by the Academy you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice by the Local Authority. This could result in a fine of up to £120 per parent per child.