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Reading for Pleasure

We want to encourage a genuine love of reading and believe that this will extend and stretch our children’s ability to learn across the whole curriculum. A love of books, words and reading for the simple pleasure of it, we believe, is vital for children to become life-long learners. As such, every class places a high emphasis on ‘Reading for Pleasure’ each day where books are read together, discussed and enjoyed as a group.

During the period of school closures and home learning it has become even more important for parents to get involved and read with their children at home. To assist you with this, please take a look at the documents below to find information about how to support your child with reading at home.


We know so many of you are doing such an amazing job with keeping good habits going during lockdown and hope you find these hints and tips useful.

Hints and tips for parents when reading with your child

We are also launching our Virtual Library for all of our families to access from home. Simply click on the link of your chosen book to get access to some amazing stories. Thanks to the Marine Academy and for the material to support in making this. We will continue adding to this resource so keep checking back for more ideas!