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Physical Education

Our Intent:

Our aim in teaching Physical Education at Nottingham Academy is to:

  • Provide all children with a wide range of physical activities and make them aware of new possibilities and opportunities, irrespective of their social background, culture, race, gender and abilities.
  • Increase participation in sport by exposing children to a wide range of sporting experiences, allowing children to discover their interests and potential talents.
  • Ensure all children understand the health benefits, including mental health and emotional well-being, of physical activities and for them to lead a healthy and active life.
  • Develop all children’s knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self-fulfilment and development.
  • Develop positive attitudes to physical endeavour including perseverance, fair play and sporting behaviour, and the ability to cope with success and failure.
  • Develop all children’s fitness levels and ensure they are physically active for a sustained period of time.
  • Understand the need for safe practice in physical activities and know how to achieve this.

Please see the below attachments where our PE long term plan and Sport Premium Action Plan can be found.


Primary PE Planning | Lesson Plans & Teacher's Resources

  • As a school, we use Primary PE as a resource to support the planning and delivery of high-quality PE lessons.
  • Nottingham Academy provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and athletics.
  • Children in EYFS participate in one structured PE lesson every week, which aims to develop fundamental movement skills. Alongside this, children enjoy a range of challenging gross motor provision in our outdoor area, including balance bikes and climbing equipment. All of which contributes to their physical development.
  • The long-term plan sets out the PE units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.
  • Pupils from years 1 to 6 participate in two high quality PE lessons each week, covering two sporting disciplines every half term.
  • In addition, we actively encourage our children to develop their interest and talents in sport. Therefore, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities and clubs.
  • Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop skills relating to teamwork and also allow our children to experience and manage success and defeat effectively.
  • Children in Year 4 swim once a week in the Spring and Summer Term. We repeat the course in year 6 who are still unable to swim 25 metres.
  • Effective cross curricular links are made in PE, particularly through dance. In EYFS children enjoy Dragon Dancing to support their learning around Chinese New Year and in Year 3, children use movement to retell the story of the Stone Age boy.
  • We have close links with Nottingham Forest community team who provide weekly support in teaching high quality PE lessons, coach our girls football team and provide reading support for our lowest 20% readers. They also add capacity to our pastoral support team, as well as lead workshops around anti-racism through classroom workshops and whole school assemblies.


Children are motivated to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports in and outside of school. We equip our children with the necessary skills of working as a team, listening to and following rules, co-operation and a love for sport. They understand the positive impact playing sport can have on their physical and mental well-being. Our children are given the opportunity to discover life-long interests and talents in sport.


Our Year 6 students recently visited the Nottingham Tennis Open, where they had an excellent opportunity to receive three hours of top-notch coaching from a variety of excellent coaches. They enjoyed fun games, focused on specific skills, and played matches against one another. The children also had the chance to meet some professional players. Unfortunately, due to a typical British summer day, the rain prevented them from watching any live matches. Despite that, it was a fantastic day, and we look forward to doing it again in the future.

As part of International Women's Day, our year 5 and 6 girls enjoyed an exciting opportunity to engage in a basketball session led by FIBA (World Governing Body for Basketball) and Basketball England (National
Governing Body for Basketball). As part of the session, the girls received a free t-shirt, 2–3 hours of basketball coaching, met professional players and were given free tickets to the next professional game.
What an amazing experience for our girls!