UNICEF Rights Respecting
UNICEF Rights Respecting - Spring Term Update
All the latest news.
UNICEF Rights Respecting - Spring Term Update
Year 2 have been chanelling their inner Tom Crean, the Antarctic explorer!
We have some fantastic sports events coming up over the next few weeks at Nottingham Academy!
Back in September each class voted for their new Rights Respecting Ambassador for the year ahead.
The Primary Rights Respecting Ambassadors visit the Sneinton and St Anns Food Bank...
'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' by Michelle Robinson
It's panto season at Nottingham Academy Primary...
Two-day Music Camp with Nottingham Music Service.
The Belvoir Big Band visited the school for their third annual 'Interactive Jazz Night with the Band'.
Year 5 and 6 Academy Cricket Squad train with the West Indies!
Children who attended the February half term Multi-Activity Holiday Camp had a fantastic time.
They took part in a variety of activities such as cricket, football, dodgeball, Olympic multi sports,
Paralympic sports, table tennis, lacrosse, handball, basketball, hockey, arts and crafts, music, nerf wars and much more!
There will be another camp during the Easter holidays, so keep an eye out for more information.
The camps, which are held at Nottingham Academy, are run by Premier Sport.
Pupils and staff have been invited to come to school in their craziest socks as part of a campaign called #Lotsofsocks.
The aim is to raise awareness of World Down Syndrome Day on Thursday 21st March 2019.
It will be a normal uniform day but we will be encouraging everyone to wear bright, patterned, odd socks.