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  • Parents learn about SAT exams

    Published 12/03/19

    Nottingham Primary Academy invited year six parents to attend a SIT-A-SAT event on
    Monday 11th March.

    Parents took a peek at example SAT papers, as well as see how we teach the children specific strategies and prepare them for the tests.

    Each class participated in a different activity including Maths, Reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and uplevelling spellings.


    Some parents also attended a meeting where they got to ask any questions regarding SATs.

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  • Halal chicken consultation extended

    Published 11/03/19

    Nottingham Primary Academy has extended the parent consultation regarding the introduction of halal chicken to the school dinner menu.

    Halal chicken is not currently being served to primary pupils.

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  • Comic Relief 2019

    Published 11/03/19

    To raise funds for Comic Relief, primary pupils can come to school in non-uniform for a donation of £1.

    Pupils can wear anything red. It would be great to see some red noses too.

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  • ParentPay - new cashless system

    Published 07/03/19


    Nottingham Primary Academy will be using a new online cashless payment system called ParentPay.

    This means parents and careers can make payment online for dinner money, school trips and uniform.

    You will be able to pay online using a credit or debit card or continue to make cash payments at PayPoint stores. If you choose to use the PayPoint, you will be given a card.

    The aim is for ParentPay to eventually replace cash payments at Nottingham Primary Academy.

    Benefits of Parent Pay
    • ParentPay is easy to use and it will offer the freedom to make online payments whenever and wherever you like, 24/7.
    • The technology used is of the highest internet security available ensuring that your money will reach school safely – offering you peace of mind.
    • Payments can be made by credit/debit card or also through PayPoint
    • Full payment histories, balance alerts and statement are available to you securely online at anytime
    What happens next

    ParentPay will be launched to Year 3 parents/careers in April 2019 and it will be rolled out to Year 4, 5 and 6 in May 2019.

    All parents/careers will receive a detailed letter about ParentPay which will include details about setting up a ParentPay Account.

    Should you need any help with setting up an account or if you have a query, please don't hesitate to contact Nottingham Primary Academy.


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  • World Book Day 2019

    Published 07/03/19

    To celebrate World Book Day pupils came dressed as superheroes, minions, fairies and book characters.

    Some pupils and staff came in their PJs and brought in their blankets and favourite teddy bears. 


    Throughout the week pupils took part in a programme of activities based around bedtime stories. 

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  • International book giving day

    Published 06/03/19

    To celebrate international book giving day, pupils at Nottingham Primary Academy chose to hold their very own book swap.

    Year six brought in their own books from home and swapped them with other children in their year groups.

    Primary teacher Ms Hardy said: "There was a real buzz and lots of excitement in the build-up to the book swap, with many children choosing to bring in more than one book.

    "In fact, Nevaeh in year three chose to bring in 22 books. The younger pupils enjoyed their book swap with the help of their parents, who joined the children to choose their new books.

    "They then spent some time reading their new books together."

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  • SIT-A-SAT for Year 6 parents

    Published 06/03/19

    Nottingham Primary Academy would like to invite year six parents to attend a SIT-A-SAT event on
    Monday 11th March.

    Parents are welcome to come into their child’s classroom at 2:30pm and take a peek at the SAT papers, as well as see how we teach the children specific strategies and prepare them for the tests.

    Additionally, there will be a meeting at 9:00am and at 3:30pm so that parents can look at examples of past papers and ask questions regarding the tests.

    We would like to offer a free breakfast service for year six pupils during SATs, which will take place from Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May.

    Pupils should arrive from 8:30am for breakfast. There is no booking requirement for this.

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  • Galleries of Justice visit

    Published 05/03/19

    Year 6 pupils visited the Galleries of Justice in Nottingham where they had a grand tour of the museum.

    The trip was planned in partnership with Nottingham Trent University with the aim of developing the children’s understanding of Human Rights.

    Pupils were given the opportunity to explore the museum and see inside the court room.

    They also participated in a criminalising Christmas workshop where they were shown how Christmas has developed over the years and how the law has changed regarding the festival.

    During the visit pupils explored different exhibits, handled a range of artefacts and took part in games related to laws and human rights.

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  • Pupils wish sister school Happy Chinese New Year

    Published 05/03/19

    To celebrate Chinese New Year, pupils at Nottingham Primary Academy took part in a range of art activities to wish our sister school in Ning Bo a Happy New Year.

    The children enjoyed creating lanterns, drawing dragons, making masks and folding red and gold card to create the body for their dragons.

    They were also given the opportunity to practise writing Happy New Year in Chinese lettering.

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  • Pupils visit IntoUniversity

    Published 05/03/19

    Year six pupils from Nottingham Primary Academy have been learning all about the theory of evolution during their visit to IntoUniversity.

    IntoUniversity in St Ann's is the second centre to open in partnership with The University of Nottingham.

    The national scheme offers an innovative programme that supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to attain either a university place or another chosen aspiration.

    During their visit year six pupils also learned about what life is like at university.

    Day 1

    The children participated in a range of experiments related to evolution and adaptation. For example, the children had to investigate how polar bears survive in cold weather.

    They were also split into four teams: Charles Darwin, Natural Selection, Galapagos Island and DNA, where they had to complete a secret mission based around their chosen area.

    Day 2

    The children met students from The University of Nottingham, who talked to the children about different animals that have adapted to their habitats. In the afternoon, the children continued with their ‘secret mission’ poster.

    Day 3

    The children visited Wollaton Hall where they learnt more about Charles Darwin and what he discovered during his trip to the Galapagos Island. They also looked at different skulls and matched them to time periods, discussing the evolution of man. In addition to this, the children conducted an experiment investigating different shaped beaks and the effect they had on the foods the birds could eat. In the afternoon, the children were given the opportunity to explore the exhibits inside the Wollaton Hall.

    Day 4

    They learnt all about life at University and discussed the different courses available. The children also had to present their findings and how this knowledge will help them in the future, e.g. where they want to study, what they want to study and who they want to live with. In the afternoon, they children were given the chance to practise their presentations and fine-tune their performances.

    Day 5

    The children were given a tour of Nottingham University and introduced to university life. They were also given the time to practise their presentations and perform them to their parents, who watched their children graduating from this week’s Into University theme.

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  • Reading ambassadors visit Waterstones

    Published 04/03/19

    Reading ambassadors from Nottingham Academy Primary visited the Waterstones bookshop where they took part in a range of activities.

    During their visit they had a chance to look at an exciting range of non-fiction books.

    They also purchased books for the school library at the Sneinton Boulevard campus.

    Teacher Mrs Hewitt said: “It was a first visit to Waterstones for many of the boys and many wanted to go back for another visit.

    “We hope primary pupils will enjoy reading the new books in the library.”

    Check out our gallery to see more pictures.

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  • Students from university visit year six

    Published 01/03/19

    Students from Nottingham Trent University paid a visit to our year six pupils.

    We were delighted to welcome them to Nottingham Academy where they hosted activities.

    For the first activity, our pupils practised their speaking and listening skills by questioning one of the university students to find out about what course they are studying, the skills they need to succeed and their pathway into university.

    One member of each group then presented what they had found out to the rest of the class.

    The second activity was to answer true or false questions about university life.

    Primary teacher Ms Maciel said: “Although the children knew a lot about university already, they were quite surprised at some of their misconceptions.

    “They were also fascinated to find out about the differences in studying at school and studying at university.”

    For another activity, the pupils explored which jobs needed a university degree. They sorted jobs into piles that need degrees and jobs that do not require a degree for entry.

    The children got to use a variety of university-related vocabulary and reflect on the key skills that they have and what they might need to develop in order to be successful in their aspirations.

    Some of the year six pupils will be visiting Nottingham Trent University in the summer term.

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