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Timestable Rockstars Day

Nottingham Academy had a fantastic Times Tables Rock Stars Day! The whole school were invited to dress up and participated in a fun filled Maths day! Years 2 to 6 also got to battle on TTRS! Let’s see what each year group got up to...

F2 had a range of Maths activities set up in their continuous provision. They got to experience numicon tile printing; writing simple addition and subtraction number sentences with numicon pegs, hunted for shapes, made repeated patterns with beads and strings and created number bonds to 10 in dough with numicon tiles!  

Year 1 sang lots of counting songs together as a year group which lead to a ‘count off’ in classes! They also did lots of number line work to 100. 

Year 2 practised counting in 2, 5 and 10 forwards and backwards on chalked number lines outside. They then applied timetables to division problems. In addition, they played fizz buzz and looked into how to use TTRS most effectively at home.  

Year 3 focussed on time during one of their activities. They also did lots of multiplication games including; cracking the code, number run and colour the multiplications. Year 3 participated in an eventful assembly where Mr Beard won the teacher versus student Times Tables battle! He is now the Year 3 times tables champion! 

Year 4 had a competitive year group battle on TTRS and Mrs Cooke’s class were victorious! They had a focus on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 during one activity where some classes made a human place value chart and others took their learning outside to make a place value chart with chalk on the playground. The children also cracked the code to discover the answer to a minion’s joke by multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. Eshal was crowned the Year 4 Times Tables champion by beating Mr Beard in the student versus teacher times tables challenge! Finally, they ended the day creating their own multiplication board games. 

Year 5 got to meet Matt Matic in their assembly who gave every child in Key Stage 2 a number and at the end of the day announced a times table and children with the answer numbers got a fabulous prize! The children also cracked the code in their riddles and completed times tables challenges! They also designed their very own rock stars, some of which are hanging proudly on display. 

Year 6 had a very busy day! They had to solve a murder by cracking the code using their Maths arithmetic skills. They also played Maths bingo with some challenging times tables. In addition, they also had a whole carousel of activities set up where they completed mathematical investigations!