Coronavirus Information

Information from Greenwood Academies Trust
Greenwood Academies Trust is monitoring daily updates and advice from the UK Government in regards to Coronavirus. We are keeping our Principals updated with the Government’s latest recommended measures to keep pupils and staff safe. Although the risk to individuals remains low, and we have not had any issues within our Academies, as always the active involvement of the whole Academy community in maintaining good hygiene practices will be vital in minimising the chances of any viruses spreading.
Our Principals will keep pupils, parents and staff advised of any necessary arrangements as soon as practicable in relation to daily Academy activity and any visits overseas. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and issue any updated Government guidance to Principals.
The Department of Health and Public Health England are advising extra precautions for people returning from a number of areas overseas and all our Academies will be following this guidance which can be found here, along with a list of affected countries. If any members of your family, including pupils, visit any of the listed countries or are visited by people coming to the UK from these countries, they should follow the advice in the link above.