World Poetry Day

To celebrate World Poetry Day on Wednesday 21st March, the children are going to learn a nonsense poem by Spike Milligan called the Ning Nang Nong in class.
A nonsense poem is a silly, ridiculous and absurd poem that doesn’t quite make sense but is funny! They’re great to read aloud and often easy to learn by heart.
It would be great to sit down and read the poem with your child at some point over the next week or during the Easter holiday. You could learn to say it together using silly voices. There is a cartoon on youtube where the song is put to music which the children will be watching when they read the poem in class. You could look at the link here.
To mark this occasion, we will be holding a competition to draw a picture to illustrate this poem. You might draw teapots talking to each other, the planet Ning Nag Nong, monkeys saying boo, etc.
The closing date for this is Thursday 29th March 2018. Entries should be handed to class teachers with the child’s name and class written on the entry clearly.
Happy reading!
Mrs Hewitt
Assitant Principal