Access Changes to Sneinton Boulevard

A parent communication from Mr Ged Rae, Lead Principal, Nottingham Academy
Wednesday 2 May 2018
Re: Changes to access to drive between Greenwood Campus 1 and Greenwood Campus 2
Dear Parent/Carer
At Nottingham Academy we are committed to ensuring that pupils demonstrate our Respect values at all times, including on the journey to and from the Academy.
Recently a minority of our pupils have not met our high standards at the end of the Academy day, which has resulted in our Primary Campus pupils and parents witnessing instances of poor conduct. We have now reviewed our operational and safeguarding procedures and listened to feedback from a number of stakeholders. As a result we will implement the following changes to the use of the driveway between Greenwood Campus 1 (GC1) and Greenwood Campus 2 (GC2);
- At the end of the Academy day secondary pupils from GC 1(Years 9 – 13) will not be permitted to use the driveway as a cut through to Sneinton Boulevard. Access to the drive will be supervised by Academy leaders.
- We are aware that a number of pupils pick up siblings from the primary site on GC2. Pupils in this position should inform their Year Team who will issue a pass which will allow them to access the Greenwood Campus 2 site.
- The driveway will remain open, as it is currently, to primary parents/carers as well as to pupils in Year 7 and Year 8.
- We are not making any changes to morning routines. Access will continue to be available to all pupils, parents and carers. This will be kept under review.
The changes will be implemented from Tuesday 8 May 2018. We intend to monitor the situation over the remainder of the summer term and will seek further stakeholder feedback in early July.
I am also aware that there have been isolated instances of vehicular movements on the GC2 site between 3.00pm and 3.40pm when vehicle movement is restricted. I have addressed this with staff to ensure it will not happen in the future. Please accept my apologies for any distress which may have resulted by the failure of our procedures.
During the Academy day, between 9.00am and 3.00pm, all access to GC2 (primary and secondary) is via the Primary Reception. Parents and carers are reminded that they are not permitted to bring vehicles onto any site of Nottingham Academy. If you or your child has a registered disability please contact the Academy to discuss access arrangements.
We have been working closely with the Police and other agencies following the incident which took place close to the Academy on Wednesday 18 April 2018. I am in the process of organising a meeting for parents and carers to discuss this incident. The meeting will also provide the opportunity to discuss wider community issues and a number of partner agencies have agreed to attend. I will write to you early next week to confirm the date, time and venue for this meeting.
Thank you for you continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mr Ged Rae
Lead Principal, Nottingham Academy