Royal Wedding Picnic

Here at Nottingham Academy we are very excited about the upcoming royal wedding and are having an afternoon picnic on Friday 18th May.
All children in Years 1 – 6 will be enjoying an afternoon of games, food and fun and we would like to invite parents to come along too.
This will be taking place across both sites:
1.30pm – 2.30pm at the Greenwood Road site playground
Entry via reception.
1.45pm – 2.45pm at the Sneinton Boulevard playground
Please arrive via Sneinton Boulevard and wait outside reception where the gate will be opened.
Please could you provide your child with a blanket/something to sit on and party clothes to change into. Please bring these in a clearly labelled bag in the morning and arrive in school uniform.
Food and drink contributions are very welcome and will be arranged within each class. If you do want to contribute anything homemade please include an ingredient list.
After this event children will return to their classrooms and will be collected at the end of day as normal.
Unfortunately due to swimming commitments Year 4 will not be able to join in with the rest of the school picnic but will be doing something to celebrate within their year group.
Any questions please speak to reception.