5 Minutes with Miss Burrows

At Nottingham Academy we are very lucky to have some fantastic Teaching Assistants in school, supporting teachers and pupils across all year groups. To celebrate National Teaching Assitants Day, we had a chat with Miss Burrows to find out about more about being a TA.
How long have you been a Teaching Assistant?
I've worked as a teching assistant for 15 years at Nottingham Academy and previously when we were Jesse Boot Primary School.
Why did you become a Teaching Assistant?
I was working part time at Boots when my children were little and a job came up as a Care Assistant at Jesse Boot which I got, then I became interested in the Teaching Assistant role, so I started to train as a TA, working in the daytime and doing my course work when the children were in bed.
What did you study before becoming a Teaching Assistant?
I trained to be a chef and I was one for a little while but I didn’t like it. I was also a window dresser for a while which now comes in very handy when I put displays together with the other staff.
What is the most challenging part of your role?
Working across the whole of one year group means it takes a little while to remember all the pupils names when they join the year group in September! Luckily the children help me to rmeember all their names!
What is the best part of your role?
I never dread coming to work; I look forward to coming in every day. I really do love my job.
What do you like to do when you are not at Nottingham Academy?
I like shopping and baking – (Mrs Atherley tells us Ms Burrows cakes are so amazing she should run cake shop!)
I have 2 grown up children, 1 is a teacher at Nottingham Academy - Miss Walker in Reception and I have two cats, Jasper and Lottie.
Pupil Voice
We spoke to Pixie in Year 3 to find out what she thinks about Miss Burrows
"Miss Burrows is a nice TA she is really helpful and is always busy helping us. She helps me with Maths and sometimes Art. We do lots of dressing up in school and Mrs Burrows always joins in, on World Book Day she looked amazing as Professor Mcgonagall from Harry Potter".