RSE Day - Nottingham Academy Signs Nottingham City Council Charter

Today is RSE Day across Nottingham, Nottingham Academy Primary have signed the charter, with a range of exciting activities planned for the new term.
Nottingham Academy Primary has joined over 70 Nottingham schools who have signed the City Council's RSE Charter.
Thursday 28 June 2018 marks the first annual Nottingham Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Day. The aim of RSE day is to encourage all people in the City to see RSE as part of their responsibility. At Nottingham Academy RSE has always been a focus within our curriculum and delivering age appropriate RSE is an area we thrive in. We look forward to working with Nottingham City Council to further develop this area.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Charter
At our school we believe that the provision of good quality RSE is essential for our pupils. The RSE we provide safeguards our pupils by allowing them to explore what a safe and healthy relationship is, giving them information on appropriate support services, and enabling them to make positive and informed choices about their bodies, sexual health and relationships as they move into adulthood.
Our school believes that:
- effective RSE supports us in safeguarding pupils
- RSE is an entitlement for all young people throughout their school life
- equality and respect lie at the heart of all relationships and that sexist or homophobic language and behaviour are not acceptable and must be challenged
We are committed to providing RSE that:
- is based on the real needs of pupils and is informed by current experiences of young people in today’s society
- is inclusive of a range of relationship choices and families
- is delivered regularly throughout a pupil’s time at the school as part of a comprehensive PSHE programme
- is progressive, enabling pupils to gain knowledge, develop skills and explore attitudes and values in an age-appropriate way from when they start at the school to when they leave
- enables children and young people to make informed, healthy choices and keep safe
- is delivered by trained, confident staff using a variety of active teaching and learning methods
- is complemented by the input of appropriate external providers
- is a partnership with parents/carers
- signposts young people to sources of support both in and out of school
- is delivered in a safe way that enables all pupils to contribute
- is accessible for all regardless of gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, faith, ethnicity, culture or disability