Transition Open Evening

Come along to Nottingham Academy Open Evening, to meet your child's new year team, Tuesday 10 July 2018. Sessions will run from 3.30pm and 5pm
Once again this year, we will be offering you the opportunity to meet with class teachers who will be teaching your child in the new academic year before we break up for our summer break. Each new team of teachers will be doing a short presentation on important information connected with that year group – the curriculum, themes, visits, expectations etc. and then afterwards will be available to talk informally with you and answer any questions you may have. This is a great opportunity to not only meet the team of staff working in that year group but also to discuss any concerns or issues you may have regarding your child moving up to their new class.
The presentations will be repeated for a second slot if you’re unable to attend the earlier time. There is no need to attend both sessions but this gives anyone who may need to go to both of our sites an opportunity to do so.
Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) will be available to meet with parents should you want to discuss any specific concerns in more detail.
We hope you find this opportunity useful and a positive step in ensuring your children move up to their new classes with greater confidence and enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Tuesday 10th July 2018
3.30-4.30pm then again 5-6pm
Greenwood Road Site – F2-Y3 classes
Sneinton Boulevard Site – Y4-Y6 classes
Please report to primary reception areas and staff will be available to show you where to go.