Year 6 Army Visit

On Monday 2nd July, Y6 enjoyed a training session with the some soldiers from the army.
The children practised their co-operation, problem-solving and resilience skills whilst having fun tackling the four puzzles and problems set by the army.
The soldiers also talked about their jobs and how they fitted into the army. The children were surprised to realise that some of the skills we promote in school are the same ones that the soldiers use to do their jobs well: determination, resilience, problem-solving, communication skills and working with others.
Here are some quotes from Year 6 pupils:
“I enjoyed it because they pushed me out of my comfort zone” – Adil.
“It taught me about responsibilities and how everyone has to play their part and that sometimes, you can’t rely on someone else – you have to do it for yourself.” – Isla.
“We practised our team-working and problem-solving skills. I like the tyre challenge where you had to move towers with numbers on but you couldn’t put a tyre with a high number on top of a tyre with a low number. It was really hard but we did it.” – Matas.