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Foster care for self, others, and the community through understanding and compassion


Strive to achieve personal and communal growth by setting and pursuing goals


Celebrate individuality, school values, and community diversity with confidence

About Us

At Nottingham Academy we want our children to be happy, confident individuals with a passion for learning. We believe every child should feel valued and encouraged to achieve their very best in all aspects of academy life. Our Academy Values are: These values will be taught explicitly through our carefully designed curriculum, but also implicitly through all interactions and experiences within the school day.


All our children are entitled irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender differences in ability and disabilities an entitlement to several areas of learning and to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self-fulfilment and to develop as active and responsible citizens.

What we want our children to know and be able to do...

  • To understand the world in which they live
  • To care and to be compassionate
  • To appreciate the arts, history and culture
  • To develop independence
  • To be brave and courageous
  • To take risks and to learn from experiencing failure
  • To move and be adventurous

Great learning...

  • Great learning is ongoing and responsive, it is a continual process.
  • Great learning is durable – it should last.
  • Great learning is flexible, learning should be applicable to different contexts.
  • Great learning involves making mistakes, it has the potential to lead to change.
  • Great learning generates an appetite for more great learning.

Our collective responsibility is to ensure we get it right in all learning spaces and to be ambitious for all our children, so they are able to connect with future possibilities and create their own story.

This Academy is sponsored by the Greenwood Academies Trust which was formed in 2009 and now educates approximately 19,000 pupils across seven local authority areas.