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Foster care for self, others, and the community through understanding and compassion


Strive to achieve personal and communal growth by setting and pursuing goals


Celebrate individuality, school values, and community diversity with confidence

Digital Citizenship

Rules for Responsible ICT Use

These rules will keep everyone safe and help us to be fair to others:

  • I will only use the Academy’s computers for school work and homework.
  • I will only edit or delete my own files and not look at, or change, other people’s files without their permission.
  • I will keep my logins and passwords secret.
  • I will not bring files into the Academy without permission or upload inappropriate material to my workspace.
  • I am aware that some websites and social networks have age restrictions and I should respect this.
  • I will not attempt to visit Internet sites that I know to be banned by the Academy.
  • I will only e-mail people I know, or a responsible adult has approved.
  • The messages I send or information I upload, will always be polite and sensible.
  • I will not open an attachment, or download a file, unless I know and trust the person who has sent it.
  • I will not give my home address, phone number, send a photograph or video, or give any other personal information that could be used to identify me, my family or my friends, unless a trusted adult has given permission.
  • I will never arrange to meet someone I have only ever previously met on the Internet, unless my parent/carer has given me permission and I take a responsible adult with me.
  • If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive a message I do not like, I will not respond to it but I will show a teacher / responsible adult.

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