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Foster care for self, others, and the community through understanding and compassion


Strive to achieve personal and communal growth by setting and pursuing goals


Celebrate individuality, school values, and community diversity with confidence

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent ​

Academic Curriculum:

Character Curriculum:

Opportunities and Entitlement:


A consistent pedagogical approach underpins the implementation of our curriculum. This approach is evidence-informed and can be seen across the school through our 9 principles of teaching and learning. This ensures that all pupils receive high-quality learning experiences throughout school. 

Sequence of learning:

When planning the sequence of learning for Science and non-core subjects, teachers use the following sequence to ensure children have exceptional outcomes from each unit of work:

  • A key principle is retrieval practice, which takes place at the beginning of every lesson as a useful revision and effective learning technique that helps in memory retention of key knowledge.
  • In practice, teachers will plan for children to recap their Sticky Knowledge in a variety of fun and active ways. We know that everybody forgets things unless they revisit information, so by using retrieval practice we are interrupting the process of forgetting.  This supports children in ensuring that 'Sticky Knowledge' can stay with them forever.  


  • Monitoring shows that the detailed progression documents allow teachers to plan well-sequenced lessons that build on prior learning. 
  • Daily retrieval practice supports our children in embedding knowledge into their long-term memories and allows them to confidently remember and talk about their learning.
  • Pupil voice shows that regular enrichment opportunities across the curriculum allow children to engage in new, exciting and memorable learning experiences which support their episodic memory and means they can recall knowledge linked to the experiences. 
  • Children take pride in their books, especially demonstrating their knowledge acquired through their 'show it' pieces of work at the end of units of work. 
  • Our Sticky Knowledge makes it clear to children what they should know and remember by the end of the unit of work. Children are proud of the progress they can see in their pre-and post-topic Sticky Knowledge quizzes.
  • Children make good progress as teachers target gaps in learning through the use of daily formative assessment and regular summative assessments to inform and make adaptations to lessons. 
  • Parents enjoy seeing what the children have been learning and are impressed by the work they share during their year group curriculum showcase events.
  • The impact of our behaviour curriculum and high quality lessons driven by our 9 Principles of teaching and learning, is that children behave well and engage positively in their learning. 
  • All children, irrespective of any additional needs, make good progress in school as a result of our skilled pastoral team and dedicated staff within our Enhanced Provision. 
  • Children make good progress in their reading ability as a result of rigorous phonics teaching, well-structured daily guided reading sessions and opportunities to practice and apply their reading skills through all lessons across the curriculum.