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Nottingham Primary Academy

Latest News

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Page 12

  • Song of the Witches

    Published 18/10/17

    At the end of last term, Naomi, now in Year 4 produced and amazing piece of homework, read on and watch the video to see her amazing production.

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  • Bargain Books at Parents Evening

    Published 09/10/17

    Visit the book club at Parents Evening next week, with books from £1.

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  • 5 Minutes with Mrs Taylor

    Published 09/10/17

    We are very proud to have wonderful teachers at Nottingham Academy providing outstanding teaching and learning opportuinites for our pupils. To celebrate World Teachers Day we had a chat with Assistant Principal, Mrs Taylor to learn a bit more about her. 

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  • Macmillan Coffee Morning Success

    Published 06/10/17

    Thank you to everyone that supported Nottingham Academy Primary's Coffee Morning! 

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  • 5 Minutes with Mr Barker

    Published 05/10/17

    At Nottingham Academy we are very lucky to have some fantastic Teachers in school, providing outstanding teaching and learning opportuinites for our pupils. To celebrate World Teachers Day we had a chat with Mr Barker to learn a little more about how he came to be a teacher.

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  • Rights Respecting Ambassadors and School Council Join Forces

    Published 05/10/17

    Nottingham Academy has formed one 'Student Voice' for the Primary Campus, bringing together the Unicef Rights Respecting Ambassadors and the Student Council. 

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  • No Pens Day, 4th October

    Published 02/10/17

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • 200 Free Books to Access 

    Published 22/09/17

    Nurture your children's love of reading with 200 free ebooks to download. 

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  • National Poetry Day 28th September

    Published 19/09/17

    Nottingham Academy Primary will celebrate National Poetry Day on 28th September. All the children will be encouraged to try and learn a poem. Mrs Hewitt read 'A Busy Day' by Michael Rosen

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  • 100% Attendance Superstars!

    Published 19/09/17

    Congratulations to our attendance superstars Nevaeh from1 Sycamore and Avighna from 3 Elm. Both children achieved 100% attendance last year!

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  • Roald Dahl Day 

    Published 18/09/17

    September is Roald Dahl's birth month, and each year we celebrate with a wonderful array of events centred around his birthday on 13th September.

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