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Foster care for self, others, and the community through understanding and compassion


Strive to achieve personal and communal growth by setting and pursuing goals


Celebrate individuality, school values, and community diversity with confidence

Author focus starts in January

From January each year group will have an author of focus for every half term. The purpose of this is to broaden the authors and illustrators children are exposed to and encourage children's reading for pleasure. Read on to find out which author your child will be learning about, some great suggestions for Christmas gifts or library trips over the festive break. 

At the start of each the half term children will be researching their given author and their books. In class they will produce a poster for display. Click here to read more about this terms authors. 

Year 1 - Eric Carle 

Year 2 - Oliver Jeffers

Year 3 - Dick King Smith 

Year 4 - Michael Rosen

Year 5 - JK Rowling 

Year 6 - CS Lewis