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Nottingham Primary Academy




At Nottingham Academy Primary School, we believe a high-quality computing education equips all children, including disadvantaged children and children with SEND, with the skills and knowledge in computational thinking and creativity to help them to understand the world that they live in and be able to be ambitious, successful young people. Computing is a significant part of everyone’s lives and we believe that children should be at the forefront of new technology to complement and enhance their learning and experiences in a broad and balanced way. Computing has strong links to a variety of other subjects such as mathematics, science, design and technology and therefore we believe that, as an essential part of the curriculum, it is also integrated into all areas of learning.  At Griffe Field, we recognise that pupils are entitled to quality software and hardware and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed, to enable them to use them effectively. We also recognise the importance of responding to new developments in technology and aim to equip pupils with the confidence and capability to use a range of different devices to enhance their experiences.  The commuting strands are:

  •  Computer Science – Pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
  •  Information Technology – Pupils are equipped to purposefully create programs, systems and a range of content in order to develop products and solutions. They will be able to collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information.
  •  Digital Literacy – Pupils are taught to use, access and express themselves through digital technology, including a critical understanding of technology’s impact on the individual and society, at a level suitable for the future and as active participants in a digital world.

We also firmly believe the importance of delivering a high-quality E-Safety curriculum, alongside the core values of these three stands. E-safety is embedded throughout the computing curriculum and supports and consolidates the strong presence of E-safety within our PSHE curriculum. As technology develops, so does the need for a better understanding of how to use it in a responsible manner. The education of E-saftey is therefore essential, to ensure children are equipped with the skills to recognise risks online, to be critically aware of the materials and content they access online, along with guidance on how to access support, if needed. 


We use Purple Mash to deliver a high quality computing curriculum. This programme also offers vast opportunities to link computing across the curriculum. 

Pupils participate in regular Computing lessons in order to achieve the intent of the Computing and E-safety curriculum. In addition to stand-alone lessons, skills taught are incorporated into other subjects, given the cross-curricular nature of computing and the opportunities to expand and develop lessons that this brings.

Lessons are delivered using a range of devices and through un-plugged activities where necessary.

The delivery of computing and E-safety at Nottingham Academy is planned in line with the National Curriculum and allows for clear progression as children move through each stage of their education with us.

Teachers use ‘Purple Mash’ as a scheme to support their planning and delivery, which caters for all children, including those with SEND and from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Each year, children are taught the three main components of computing (Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology). This allows children to build on and progress from their previous experiences, developing their skills, vocabulary and understanding, in order to be active, responsible digital participants.

E-safety is referred to in every computing unit, in addition to discrete units taught at some point throughout the year. Our PSHE curriculum (Jigsaw) also contributes to our delivery of e-safety. Our E-saftey lessons build on prior knowledge and are adapted to suit the requirements of the pupils within the class and current issues that may be relevant.

At Nottingham Academy, we strive to engage parents and carers with the importance of safe and responsible behaviour online and provide information to parents around how to keep their children safe online. 


After each unit of work, teachers will make a judgement on whether pupils are 'developing', 'expected' or 'mastering' the objectives set. This will also provide information for the subject leader and will be submitted for analysis to track and monitor achievement and progress and the impact that this has had.

Evidence of progression and achievement will be seen in examples of pupils’ work stored on Purple Mash.

As a result of effective implementation, pupils will be able to apply their skills and knowledge in other areas of learning-for example, through using templates on Purple Mash to showcase work in other areas of the curriculum.

Pupils will be able to share their knowledge of how to be a responsible user of technology through discussion when questioned.

They will be prepared for the next stage in their lives, knowing how to be a responsible user of technology in the wider world and most importantly, know where to seek support.

Pupils will be familiar with and will discuss their understanding of the three main strands and will know key vocabulary associated with these.

Confidence in this subject will also mean that pupils are able to be more independent and competent in life skills such as problem-solving and logical thinking.